Our Story

The origins of the 3rd Episcpoal District Lay Organization

According to Leona Hubbard Butler, “Preserving Our History, the First Annual Convention of the Third Episcopal District Lay Organization was on May 30-31, 1946, at St. James AME Church, Cleveland, Ohio; she stated the Third Episcopal District Lay Organization was an outgrowth of the North Ohio Lay Organization.  It was at the Annual Conference at Cyrene, AME Church, Piqua, Ohio, September 1938 that “a few devoted and loyal laymen conferred over the possibility and the importance of forming a lay organization among themselves.” The beginning of the formation of the North Ohio Conference Lay Organization.  The purpose for the organization was “to develop a greater interest and a better understanding of the works and doings of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.”

Based upon a resolution offered by Reuben J. Gardner, delegate from St. James, Cleveland a temporary organization was set up with A.A. Andrews, delegate from St. Paul AME Church, Canton, Ohio as the President.  Their first meeting was held at Avery AME Church, Cleveland in May 1939.  The body had not yet organized a permanent organization.  According to Reuben J. Gardner, there was no further movement to organize in the Third Episcopal District until after the Extra Session of the General Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1946.

On September 16, 1944 Reuben J. Gardner received a letter from Connectional Lay President, Attorney Herbert L. Dudley in which he stated he was calling a meeting of all laymen of the Third Episcopal District at Wilberforce University on Saturday and Sunday, September 23-24, 1944 for the purpose of formulating plans for the permanent organization of the Lay Society in the Third District.

The drafting of the Constitution and By-laws was initiated at the Presiding Elders meeting in Pittsburgh, November 29, 1944 and was completed by the First Annual Meeting at St. James, Cleveland, May 30-31, 1946.  The record of Reuben J. Gardner states that upon the adoption of this Constitution and By-laws (no time or place given) the committee resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of forming a permanent organization and the election of officers.  The following persons were elected officers: Mr. Reuben J. Gardner, President; Malcolm Grayson, North Ohio Annual Conference, Vice President; Elsie Meeks, Pittsburgh Annual Conference, Vice President; Ethel C. Pryor, Ohio Annual Conference, Vice President; C.E. Bradshaw, West Virginia Annual Conference, Vice President; Marian Grayson, North Ohio Annual Conference, Secretary; and Leafie White, Pittsburgh Annual Conference, Treasurer.

On motion the President was given the authority to survey the field and make temporary appointments to the Conference level organizations until the Annual Conferences convened.

President for West Virginia, Mr. C.E. Bradshaw; Pittsburgh, Mrs. Elsie Meeks; North Ohio, Arthur A. Andrews; and Ohio, Mrs. Ethel C. Pryor.

The following persons have served as President of the Third Episcopal District Lay Organization:

1946 – 1957 – Mr. Reuben J. Gardner, St. James, Cleveland
1957 – 1961 – Mr. Malcolm Grayson, St. John, Cleveland
1961 – 1973 – Mr. Raymond R. Davis, St. Paul, Columbus
1973 – 1984 – Mr. Cortez Perrin, St. James, Pittsburgh
1984 – 1992 – Ms. Margaret A. Fields, Warren, Ohio (8- yr. law)’
1992 – 2000 – Mr. Arthur D. Brown, Mt. Vernon, Columbus
2000 – 2008 – Dr. Willie C. Glover, St. Mark, Columbus
2008 – 2016 – Ms. Ametta Reaves, Lee Memorial, Cleveland
2016 – 2020 – Mr. Mark Mayo, St. Mark, Columbus Ohio
2020 – present – Dr. Lenora Brogdon-Wyatt

“The First 70 Year History of the Pittsburgh Conference Lay Organization: The Connecting Threads 1946 – 2016”, published 2018